First aired in 2014, Channel 4's Unreported World follows the inspirational work of the sign language teachers transforming the lives of deaf children and adults in Central and Northern Uganda who have never been able to communicate until now.
We are very grateful for the wider audience and consequent much needed donations from this documentary. Watch the full 25 minute clip to the left or 3 shorter supporting clips below. |
Patrick's StoryPatrick, 15, was born deaf and where he lives, there are no schools for deaf children. Raymond, a deaf sign language teacher, hopes to change all this.
Click to watch in Youtube Vertical Divider
Margaret's StoryMargaret, 5, was born deaf and has never communicated. But that’s all about to change.
Click to watch in Youtube Vertical Divider
The Sound of Signing
During school lunch, the cafeteria buzzes with the children's conversation.
Click to watch in Youtube |
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